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The Farmers' Handbook

Below are listed all the individual chapters of the Farmers' Handbook (FHB) - click on each link to view and then download the chapter as you want

Volume 1 Inside the House (Zone 0)

1. Vol. 1 Introduction

2. Diet & Nutrition

- importance & sources of nutritious food from local resources

3. Kitchen Hygiene

- reasons for health problems & simple hints to overcome them at home

4. Stove

- how to build a fuel efficient, smokeless stove using local resources

5. Hay Box

- make a stove which cooks food without using fuel

Volume 2 Near the House 1 (Zone 1a)

1. Vol. 2 Introduction

2. Waste Water

- a simple structure to recycle domestic waste water for use in the garden

3. Sweepings

- how to recycle waste materials to make good quality compost

4. Pit Latrine

- how to make & use a low-cost pit latrine which can then be recycled into a planting pit

5. Compost

- how to make better compost quicker with minimum extra work

6. Mulching

- how to grow crops keeping the soil covered to reduce work & erosion

7. Double Digging

- how to build a highly productive vegetable bed requiring digging only once every 3-4 years

8. Seed Saving

- how to improve local varieties, produce & store market-quality seed

9. Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

- principles & practices of reducing crop losses to pests through use of local materials

10. Liquid Manure

- how to make & use effective pest control & nutrient "teas" made from local resources

11. Livestock Management

- how to improve the productivity of local livestock through selection, diet & stall management using locally available materials

12. Beekeeping

- easy improvements to traditional beekeeping to raise production of better quality bee products

13. Non-Cement Drinking Water

- how to build small scale, self maintained & cheap drinking water systems using local skills & materials instead of cement

Volume 3 Near the House 2 (Zone 1b)

1. Vol. 3 Introduction

2. Kitchen Garden

- principles & practices to create & maintain a low-input, high output kitchen garden for home vegetable production

3. Mixed Vegetable Gardening

- a method of growing many varieties (polyculture) of vegetables together to save space, water & work while producing a continuous supply of food from the kitchen garden

4. Off Season Onions

- how to produce onions out of season when a high price can be obtained

5. Herbs

- a species list of 18 useful herbs, their cultivation & uses

6. Home nursery

- how to grow a variety of different plants requiring different techniques for home use

7. Hot Bed Nursery

- how to build & manage a nursery for off season vegetables in cold climates

8. Air Nursery

- how to build & maintain a nursery suspended above the ground to produce trees which are better able to survive transplanting

9. Leaf Pot Nursery

- how to cultivate vegetable varieties which are difficult to transplant using local resources

10. Introduction to Fruit Production

- introducing later booklets about propagating and planting fruit trees, and orchard management

11. Fruit Nursery

- how to make & manage a home or commercial nursery to produce root stock for grafting/budding of fruit trees

12. Grafting

- how to graft improved varieties of fruit at home

13. Budding

- another technique to graft  & produce improved fruit trees

14. Stone Grafting

- a method of grafting for mango trees which is faster, cheaper & easier than conventional methods, & more suitable for the farmer to produce mangos locally

Volume 4 The Fields (Zone 2/3)

1. Vol. 4 Introduction

2. Green Manures

- a technique using certain soil-improving plants grown in fallow periods or alongside traditional crops to increase production with minimal extra inputs

3. Zero Tillage

- how to grow comparable yields of summer rice & winter wheat without digging or transplanting, & with reduced compost/fertiliser and weeding

4. Agro-Forestry

- using trees with field crops to increase diversity of products while insuring soil & water conservation & improvement

5. Integrated Orchard

- how to plant your orchard to get optimum production from the land in the quickest possible time to obtain a wide range of benefits as well as fruit

6. Fruit Planting

- how to plant & manage fruit trees to get most benefit, and produce other crops too

7. Top Grafting

- another way of cultivating fruit trees from your favorite varieties without needing a nursery (best at higher altitudes)

8. Air Layering

- a way of cultivating fruit trees from your favorite varieties without needing a nursery (best at lower altitudes)

9. Bamboo Propagation

- a simple technique to cultivate this useful species allowing more clumps to be established for much less work

10. Living Fence

- how to build & maintain an edge which is a fence with multiple other benefits

11. S.R.I. (System of Rice Intensification)

- a method of growing paddy rice with less water, less seed and greater productivity

Volume 5 Forest, Soil, Design and other Topics (Zone 4/5)

1. Vol. 5 Introduction

2. Forest Management

- how to create & manage community or private forest for best & sustained benefit

3. Soil Conservation & Improvement

- principles & practices of soil management to protect & build soil with minimum input & maximum use of local resources

4. A-Frame

- how to make & use an A-frame for use in soil conservation work

5. Village Funds

hints to create & manage a revolving village fund to allow members greater access to credit

6. Design

- how to organise all the above on the homestead to raise & diversify production, using the principles of permaculture design

7. Glossary, Practical Literacy & other topics

- a glossary of difficult words; guidelines on use of the FHB for REFLECT-type literacy classes; list of picture acknowledgments; permaculture defined


Farmers' Handbook Poster

Zones' Poster

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